Calamine Lotion

Calamine not only counteracts pimples, but is also a real superhero for sensitive skin. 

In addition to soothing itching, this mixture also has a cooling effect that calms irritations, rashes or even sunburn. The zinc oxide contained has a drying and slightly antiseptic effect, making it an effective aid for weeping, inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema.

Calamine Lotion


A) 79,60 g Wasser
0,80 g (1763) ImerCare 400D (Diatomeenerde)
0,20 g (0518) Xanthan transparent
0,50 g (1404) Chemikons PE 9010

B) 3,00 g (0413) Pentylene Glycol Natural
0,40 g (0209) Emulwitor 375

C) 8,00 g (0053) Calamine
8,00 g (0451) Zinkoxid

Es wird die nächst größere Packungsgröße in den Warenkorb gelegt, bitte bei der Verwendung entsprechend der Rezeptur dosieren.

Step 1:
Slowly add ImerCare 400D and Xanthan transp. to the water one after the other or as a dry mixture. Mix at high speed.
Everything should be homogeneous.

Step 2:
Add phase B and now stir more slowly until a uniform mass is formed.

Step 3: 
Gradually stir in phase C slowly.

Step 4: 
The finished lotion into a hygienic airless dispenser.