Hand cream special

For particularly cracked hands.
Hand cream special


A) 6,00 g (0713) Traubenkernöl raff.
0,90 g (0211) Lamecreme
1,00 g (0505) Sheabutter, raff. kbA
0,80 g (0307) Vitamin-E-Acetat
0,15 g (0619) Ringelblumen CO2 Extrakt, kbA

B) 16,65 g Wasser
2,00 g (0503) Cetylalkohol MB

C) 1,50 g (0404) D-Panthenol 75%
0,50 g (0610) Granatapfelsamen CO2 Extrakt, kbA
0,15 g (1404) Chemikons PE 9010

Es wird die nächst größere Packungsgröße in den Warenkorb gelegt, bitte bei der Verwendung entsprechend der Rezeptur dosieren.

Step 1: 
Phase A: Melt to approx. 65°C. Everything must be clearly melted. 

Step 2: 
Phase B: Heat to 65°C in parallel.
Now add phase B to phase A and homogenize at high speed for approx.1 min.

Step 3: 
Allow the resulting cream to cool slowly to 40°C. Occasional stirring is advantageous . As soon as the temperature is below 40 °C , the active ingredients from Phase C can be stirred in. This no longer has to be done at high speed.

Finally, please preserve. Check the ph value. It should be 5 +/-.