Oily/unclean skin

These highly effective oil mixtures are precisely adapted to the respective skin type.

Due to the different modes of action such as regenerating, itch-relieving, cell-regenerating and anti-inflammatory etc., you achieve exactly the right result for your skin type. They are quickly absorbed and do not leave a greasy feeling.

Oily/unclean skin


A) 5,00 g (0815) Arganöl, kbA, kaltgepresst
5,00 g (0722) Aprikosenkernöl kbA, kaltgepresst
4,60 g (0713) Traubenkernöl raff.
4,00 g (0805) Wildrosenöl, kaltgepresst, kbA (Hagebuttenkernöl)
1,00 g (0811) Johannisbeersamenöl schwarz CP kbA
0,40 g (0818) Hanfsamenöl, EU CPV, kbA

Es wird die nächst größere Packungsgröße in den Warenkorb gelegt, bitte bei der Verwendung entsprechend der Rezeptur dosieren.