Swim bombs
Step 1:
Get all mixing utensils and equipment ready.
Disinfect them and your work surface. Please also sanitise the jar or lotion bottle into which you wish to fill the finished product.
Wear disposable gloves.
Step 2:
Now weigh all the raw materials individually.
Step 1:
Mix phase A) thoroughly in a bowl.
Step 2:
Melt phase B) and add slowly.
Now knead the whole mixture. Add food colouring and essential oils if necessary. This will make them beautifully colourful.
Step 3:
Shape balls with bath bomb tongs (large or small) and leave to harden in the fridge or even the freezer.
Wondering about the skimmed milk powder? Well, it acts as an emulsifier. This prevents the oil and shea butter from settling on the edge of the tub.
This is a sample formulation.
It has been tested by us and found to be good. However, we cannot guarantee its success and compatibility.