Cleaning foam

Step 1:
Get all mixing utensils and equipment ready.
Disinfect them and your work surface. Please also sanitise the jar or lotion bottle into which you wish to fill the finished product.
Wear disposable gloves.
Step 2:
Boil the water. Please also boil purchased distilled water. (It is only salt-free, not necessarily germ-free)
Step 3:
Now weigh all the raw materials of the individual phases and categorise them according to phase affiliation.
Step 1:
First mix the rosehip CO2 extract with the Solve 61. This oil should not cloud the formulation later. Also mix the perfume with the solubiliser.
Step 2:
Now mix phase A and phase B separately (by hand, not with a hand blender - this gives too much foam).
Step 3:
In phase B, the allantoin and baking soda should dissolve in the process.
Continue: Now carefully mix phase B with phase A and then add the rest.
Check the pH value and adjust to 5-5.5 with lactic acid if necessary.
Add only 1/3 of your shower gel and 1/3 water. Shake briefly and then pump. This means you use significantly less of the actual product.
(It also works very well with washing-up liquid in the kitchen) The bottle is easy to clean and can therefore be reused.
This is a sample formulation.
It has been tested by us and found to be good. However, we cannot guarantee its success and compatibility.